A List of Common Reflexive Verbs


In the Previous Spanish Grammar Lessons, we have studied  Reflexive Participles and Reflexive Pronouns. In this lesson, you will have a list of common reflexive verbs.

Very Useful Spanish Reflexive Verbs

to dry off (dry oneself) Secarse
to fall asleep Dormirse
to feel (emotion, illness) Sentirse
to forget olvidarse
to get in Meterse
to get up Levantarse
to go away, to leave Irse
to go to bed Acostarse
to hurry up Apurarse
to laugh Reirse
to remember acordarse
to say goodbye despedirse
to shave oneself Afeitarse 
to sit down Sentarse
to stay, to remain Quedarse
to take a bath Bañarse
to take a shower Ducharse
to turn around Darse vuelta
to wake up Despertarse
to wash up (wash oneself) Lavarse


Verbs of Emotion

Verbs of Emotion are usually found in the reflexive when the meaning is "to get" or "to become". Thus, they indicate a change of "state" from not being to being.

For example:
Se enojó mucho cuando escuchó eso.
S/he got very mad when s/he heard that.

.So we went from a state of NOT being mad to one of being mad.

In the following video, we'll learn the most common Spanish reflexive verbs of emotion:

Spanish Reflexive Verbs of Emotion 

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And if you prefer the list of Spanish reflexive verbs of emotion in print, here it is:

to become / to get  angry enojarse 
to become / to get sick enfermarse
to get happy alegrarse
to get bored aburrirse
to become / to get sad entristecerse
to calm down / to relax / to take it easy calmarse
to fall in love enamorarse
to become / to get furious enfurecerse
to get worried preocuparse
to become / to get scared asustarse


If you need to understand how reflexive verbs work, click here. If instead, you need to learn how to conjugate reflexive verbs, click here. For some grammar practice, click here.





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