7 Cool Spanish Phrases to Say “The Thing is…”

¡Hola amigos!

The Thing -

Hey, Julio here! ¿Qué onda?

So today we are talking about 'the thing'. In Spanish it is very easy to form by using 'lo' before any appropriate adjective. Here are some examples, though they are by no means exhaustive.

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7 Cool Spanish Phrases to Say "The Thing is …"

Lo bueno es que… The good thing is
Lo importante es que... The important thing is
Lo increíble es que… The amazing thing is …
Lo mejor es que… The best is 
Lo raro es que… The strange thing is
Lo único es que... The only thing is
Lo ridículo es que... The ridiculous thing is…

And now a quick context so you can remember it more easily!

All characters appearing in the piece of writing below are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental_ or maybe it happened to one of my friends.

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7 Cool Spanish Phrases to Say "The Thing is…"





Are you up for a challenge?

I would like to invite you to use the comments section below and write your own mini-contexts, using at least 4 or the 7 phrases that we saw today. The more the merrier!

¡Hasta la próxima!


The Coolest Teacher on this Side of Town 🙂







2 thoughts on “7 Cool Spanish Phrases to Say “The Thing is…”

  1. Hola amigos. There has been a problem with the original page, so all comments posted there are not available yet. I apologize for the inconvenience. If you have any comments, please post them here. Thanks!

  2. Lo ridiculo es que nuestro gato y perro siempre quieran dormir en la misma cama. Lo raro es que la cama del gatos es pequena y el perro es tan grande como un cerdo. Sin embargo siempre elige la cama del gato. Ellos pasan toda la noche juntos. Lo bueno es que ellos llevan bien pero lo peor es que el pero a veces se siente incomodo por las mananas

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